Hence, ban gaming websites, chatting platforms, and pornographic sites. Usually, the authorities don’t want students to get exposed to addicting internet activities and content. They create a list of websites they want to block on their network. If your school has denied the permission, then that website won’t open. You can configure the transparent proxies to check whether your web requests have permission to access a particular website. Think of this as a middleman like that connects buyers to sellers. In simple words, when you’re accessing a website using the Wi-Fi network, the connection to the websites gets routed through an intermediary server: Transparent Proxies. The webpages or the internet aren’t at fault, but the school has customized the intermediary router to block websites.

This happens when you are using the school Wi-Fi network to browse the internet. Now, before discussing the methods to unblock websites, it’s critical to understand how the school restricts you from accessing certain websites. 6) Conclusion How Schools Restrict Students from Accessing Certain Websites